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Provincial Entrepreneur Programs:
Entrepreneur stream
This stream is for experienced business owners or senior business managers who want to live in NS. They must start a new business or buy an existing and actively participate in the day-to-day management of the business.
The successful candidate will receive a work permit and after operating the business for at least a year, may be nominated for PR.
For information and eligibility: https://novascotiaimmigration.com/move-here/entrepreneur/
Entrepreneur stream
This stream is for entrepreneurs from outside of Canada interested in starting a new business or buying an existing business in Ontario.
It gives an entrepreneur (and up to one foreign national business partner) the opportunity to be nominated for permanent residence once their business has been established in Ontario. (First, the Work permit will be issued)
For information: https://www.ontario.ca/page/oinp-entrepreneur-stream
For mandatory requirements: https://www.ontario.ca/page/oinp-entrepreneur-stream#section-2;
Entrepreneur stream
The New Brunswick Entrepreneurial Stream is designed for experienced business owners and senior managers who wish to become permanent residents by owning a business in New Brunswick (NB) and managing it while residing in the Province.
For information: https://www.welcomenb.ca/content/wel-bien/en/becoming_an_immigrant-entrpreneur/content/program-summary.html
The renewed Business Investor Stream will replace the current PNP-B business immigration category. BIS allows Manitoba to recruit and nominate qualified business investors and entrepreneurs from around the world who have the intent and ability to start or purchase businesses in Manitoba. Applicants will no longer be required to submit a deposit of $100,000 to the Manitoba government.
1. The Entrepreneur Pathway
It allows Manitoba to recruit and nominate qualified business people from around the world who have the intent and ability to move to Manitoba and establish, purchase a business or become partners in an existing business within the first 24 months of arrival in Canada on a temporary work permit.
For information and requirements: http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/immigrate-to-manitoba/mpnp-for-business/#1
2. Farm Investor Pathway
The Pathway is for individuals with proven farm business experience, sufficient available capital to invest, and who intend to establish and operate a farm operation in rural Manitoba.
It is expected that successful applicants of the FIP will establish a farm business in rural Manitoba producing primary products that are consistent with the province’s current farm industry. The type of operation and investment must correlate with Provincial statistics and be relevant to Manitoba’s farm industry. Agri-business operations not producing primary products may qualify under the Entrepreneur Pathway.
For information: http://www.immigratemanitoba.com/immigrate-to-manitoba/mpnp-for-business/#2
1. Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot
This program is focused on attracting entrepreneurs from around the world to establish businesses in regional communities. This will help to meet the communities’ economic development needs and encourage investments outside urban areas.
For information: https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/BC-PNP-Entrepreneur-Immigration/Entrepreneur-Immigration-Regional-Pilot
Applicant’s criteria: https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/BC-PNP-Entrepreneur-Immigration/Entrepreneur-Immigration-Regional-Pilot#anchor4
2. Entrepreneur Immigration- Base Category
This program is similar to the regional pilot, however, the requirements are higher.
For information and program requirements: https://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate-to-B-C/BC-PNP-Entrepreneur-Immigration/Program-Requirements
There is an internal score to choose the best candidates.
Self- Employed Farmer Stream
Applicants with farm management skills may be able to apply under this category.
For information: https://www.alberta.ca/ainp-selection-criteria.aspx#toc-3